Glebe-St. James United Church, Friday November 17th
20 dollar minimum suggested donation, PWYC, NOTAFLOF
Doors 7:30 PM and music at 8PM

Carl Ludwig Hübsch — tuba. objects
Pierre-Yves Martel — viola da gamba, modular synthesizer
Philip Zoubek — prepared piano
Bringing together Carl Ludwig Hübsch on tuba, Pierre-Yves Martel on viola da gamba and modular synthesizer, and Philip Zoubek on prepared piano, the Canadian-German trio Hübsch Martel Zoubek has been creating improvised music together for over a decade. Their paths converged in 2012 during an initial encounter at the Loft in Cologne. The recording of that performance gave birth to “June 16,” their debut album, launched on the Berlin label Schraum. Subsequently, the trio embarked on a series of tours, delivering more than 60 concerts across Europe and Canada. They also released albums such as “Drought” (Tour de bras, 2016), “Otherwise” (insub records, 2018), and “Ize” (insub, 2020), in addition to recording live concert sessions for Radio-France and the Austrian radio ORF. The distinctive instrumentation of Hübsch Martel Zoubek and their refined improvisational approach have allowed the trio to craft a unique language and sound over the years. The result is a pointillistic and intricate musical experience that unfolds through attentive listening, where traditional roles seamlessly blur.
Carl Ludwig Hübsch — tuba. objets
Pierre-Yves Martel — dessus de viole, synthétiseur modulaire
Philip Zoubek — piano préparéRéunissant Carl Ludwig Hübsch au tuba, Pierre-Yves Martel à la viole de gambe et au synthétiseur modulaire, et Philip Zoubek au piano préparé, le trio canado-allemand de musique improvisée Hübsch Martel Zoubek existe depuis plus de dix ans. Les chemins des trois artistes se sont croisés en 2012, lors d’une première rencontre en concert au Loft à Cologne. L’enregistrement de ce concert a donné naissance à June 16, leur premier album, lancé sur le label berlinois Schraum. Par la suite, le trio a enchaîné les tournées, jouant plus de 60 concerts tant en Europe qu’au Canada. Il a également sorti les disques Drought (Tour de bras, 2016), Otherwise (insub records, 2018) et Ize (insub, 2020), en plus d’avoir enregistré des sessions pour Radio-France et la radio autrichienne ORF. L’instrumentation hors du commun de Hübsch Martel Zoubek et sa démarche d’improvisation peaufinée au fil des années ont permis au trio de développer un langage et un son uniques. Il en résulte une musique calme et pointilliste, qui se développe dans une grande écoute et où les rôles traditionnels se confondent.
Humboldt Duo

Humboldt duo is a free musics duo currently based in Ottawa, Canada. The duo comprises of
Helen Abbot on viola and Jury Kobayashi on double bass. They met playing chamber music in
Vermont and have evolved into an experimental and free musics duo. Their music is collectively
composed and improvised.
Helen Abbot is a multidisciplinary artist, violist, and scholar. As a violist, she can be found
playing musics as diverse as Klezmer music, contemporary western art music to noise and free
musics. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at Western University with a focus on the
role of sound in Anaïs Nin’s Cities of the Interior.

Jury Kobayashi is an interdisciplinary artist,whose work ranges from musical composition, improvisation, noise, and sound art. Trained as a
musician and music historian, Jury is currently pursuing a creative doctoral degree at the
University of Ottawa focussing on the liberatory identity politics that can be present in free