Performing at Glebe-St. James United Church, Saturday June 8th 9:30pm

RAKESTAR is a 7-piece jazz band based in Ottawa, Canada, inspired by the creative genius of the great Sun Ra, playing favourite compositions from his endless songbook, and charting new material to continue moving outward. Rakestar takes its name, with much respect, from Sun Ra’s own beloved and eternal Arkestra…..
(Intergalactic Research Arkestra…..Myth Science Arkestra…..Astro-Solar-Infinity Arkestra…..
Omniverse Jet Set Arkestra…..)
A musical chameleon, Christine Duncan uses her voice as an instrument, in a wide range of diverse musical styles She is involved in everything from jazz, R&B, gospel, improvised music, sound poetry, to new music, opera, and musique actuelle. She performs with many musical groups and projects, notably with Hugh Fraser’s VEJI (Vancouver Ensemble of Jazz Improvisation) since the mid 1990’s, and Barnyard Drama with drummer/electronic artist Jean Martin, since 2002. She created and directs the Element Choir, an improvising choir in Toronto, active since 2007. For the last few years, as a community engagement outreach, Christine has been touring, putting together and training volunteer, improvising choirs to perform in concerts, with Inuit throat singer/experimental vocalist Tanya Tagaq and her band, and with other musical ensembles, both in Canada, and internationally.